Saturday, March 14, 2009


For those of you haven't heard...

On Thursday, I found out that a Dr. in Arroyo Grande is going to perform surgery on my teeth FOR FREE. We're talking thousands here. It is a miracle and a gift from God.

Ever since I can remember, my teeth have been crooked. Ive seen pictures of myself with straight teeth, but I still can't remember what it was like. Its caused me a lot of shame in the past just from my own insecurities and things people would say. Sometimes I would even forget about what they looked like and felt normal for a change, but then I would remember.

I explored braced before, but by the time I got all my cavities filled etc. I was applying to colleges and just put it on the back burner.

But the Holy Spirit had a plan and worked it out. The thing about it is that it is just God's love. his mercy and grace. I have prayed about it since I actually started praying when I was 12 and really cried out for it and claimed it a couple of times in the past few weeks but it was definitely not on the top of my prayer priorities.

God has been speaking to me over and over about David and specifically 1 Samuel 16:7

"he LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."


Unknown said...

that is SOOOOOO crazy awesome!!!!

i want to hear the story. the whole story.

i was telling my roomies about it and we all agree that you are exactly the kind of guy who deserves something like this. :)

neverenoughcoffee said...

That's cool Estevan! I love it when we see that God's plan was there all along! I want to hear the whole story too :)

Excellent Parent said...

what happend, I havent heard?

B.S. Smith said...

Wait so when is this thing happening?